New Token Swapping Announcement — Updated on 2022.06.14 With New Contract Address

2 min readJun 10, 2022


Updated on 2022.06.14 With a New Contract Address

As a result of the acquisition of TOKAU by Tlabs, the Tlabs team decided to replace the tokens with new tokens to solve the historical legacy of TOKAU’s over-issuance and poor economic model.

At the same time, the new tokens issued by Tlabs will be more in line with the overall development direction of Tlabs and will be used as eco-currency for all Tlabs projects.

The new token information after the first round of voting by token holders is as follows:

New Token Name: TBS
Deflation ratio 1:100,000
Issue volume: 10 billion
New Contract Address:0x45fffed8d9651fe9ea0321fcc9b15ee5e052a208

25% of the new token will be reserved for TOKAU’s existing holders to exchange for the new token.

Swap process:

On June 20th, MetaCity’s official website will launch a swap pool for existing TOKAU holders to swap their new tokens with old ones.

After the first swap period ends, we will reserve 2% of the tokens for those who did not complete the first swap. A second swap will follow in six months, and the pool will be closed permanently after the second swap period.

Please follow Tlabs’ official website and social media for more details.

Tlabs’ official website:

